Denpasar Hotel School (DHS) adalah lembaga pendidikan dan pelatihan bidang perhotelan yang bernaung di bawah Yayasan Guna Widya Paramesthi. Lembaga ini didirikan untuk memberi kesempatan generasi muda Indonesia menjadi tenaga profesional bidang perhotelan/hospitality, kapal pesiar dan pariwisata.
Lembaga ini hadir untuk mengajak mahasiswa belajar sambil bekerja di Australia, Jerman dan Asia Tenggara melalui Partnership Program of DHS, dikenal dengan sebutan PP DHS
Luncurkan Program RPL berbasis Distance Learning Program, DHS berharap mampu menjadi akselerator kompetensi pendidikan pekerja pariwisata di Indonesia.
DHS luncurkan BRATA CLASS untuk Milenials & Gen Z Gen Untuk Bersaing di Era Globalisasi
I Komang Adi Wiranata, alumni DHS sukses diterima di Waldorf Astoria, Dubai.
lulusan otomotif juga bisa menjadi hotelier: kisah inspiratif adi saputra
Jana & Oky, sukses di terima di MSC CruiseLine sebagai Asst Waiter
Denpasar Hotel School
Denpasar Hotel School
Denpasar Hotel School
Denpasar Hotel School
Denpasar Hotel School
Denpasar Hotel School
I am one out of inhouse student at Denpasar Hotel School in hospitality major. I'm highly gratefull to be a part of this school
Satrio Rizky Nurahmaji
Inhouse Student
I am a student of Denpasar Hotel School (DHS) majoring in Hotel Hospitality. DHS cares about its students, who are currently working. For me, this is very good, because I must work to continue my life. Besides DHS provides scholarship for those who are the member of “sekaa teruna teruni” and the children of Balinesse holy priest. My bisggest goal is to study and work in Germany which is totally funded by the partner of DHS in Germany.
Pande Made Andika Suprayana
Inhouse Student
I'm one of students in Denpasar Hotel School (DHS) majoring in hotel hospitality. I'm glad to be a part of this Hotel School. Here i 'm not only studying about hotel , but also learning attitude, skill, and how to behave properly when we work in the hotel. My great motivation in DHS is continue to my study and work in TAFE programe of DHS.
Ni Made Meidy Ani Prastiwi
Inhouse Student